Online Invoice Software

March 22, 2022

10 Invoicing & Payment Terms You Need To Know for Successful Business

Regardless of sector or size, businesses need cash flow from clients and consumers to meet their operating costs, such as employee wages and electric bills. That is why knowing and understanding invoicing or payment terms is so important. Without these bills, you won’t get reimbursed for the services or items you provided, which means you […]

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September 8, 2021

Invoicely Vs Invoicera- The Ultimate Face-off

If you are a business owner, then the chances are that you’ve struggled to find good billing software for your business. Maybe you tried out Invoicely and left because it was too complicated or expensive, or perhaps you found Invoicera and loved how easy it is to use but were put off by the price […]

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July 16, 2021

Beginner’s Guide For Managing Cash Flow as a Freelancer

The freelance word was derived from two separate words, i.e., free and lance, indicating independent workers. Being a freelancer, you work with freedom, such as which projects you will work on, who will be your clients, how many projects you will work on every month or every day. After that, the payment cycle and cash […]

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November 9, 2018

10 Invoicing Techniques of Pros That Most Business Owners Ignore

Still scratching head to understand invoicing and its best practices? It may appear tedious at first. But, there is always a room to master something that seems impossible in the beginning. Here are 10 pro techniques to master invoicing like a pro. 1. Have a clear understanding of the basics. Regardless of the fact, that […]

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September 6, 2018

Online Billing Software: Ideal Choice for Small Businesses

  In the big business-centric nation like the U.S., entrepreneurs contribute a lot to economic growth and job availability. Small Business Administration of US notes that 99.7% of employer firms situated in the country consists of small business owners. However, the new babies in the industry often face difficulties with financial terms, activities and are […]

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July 18, 2018


Invoices are a medium that gets you paid in time for the product and services that you have offered. It is, therefore, a very important document in your entire business communication. Keeping it utmost formal and presentable is your key responsibility. Your invoices are the silent key to market yourself as a brand in the […]

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July 11, 2018


  An online invoice software is a necessity in today’s modern world for every business. Whether you’re a business owner or a freelancer, an invoice software acts as a backbone to your entire financial activities. It is a receipt that makes sure you will get compensated for all the products/services you have provided as a […]

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July 9, 2018

8 Tips for Setting Up an Invoice System to get Paid in Time

  As a business owner, when you are already tucked up between hundreds of other tasks, following up your clients for payments is not easy. However, it is of utmost importance to follow up your clients on regular basis for payments. In order to cut down some extra tasks from your list, you can always […]

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January 28, 2016

Invoicing for Indian Businesses : Tools & Trends

India has a distinctive tax structure which has evolved over a period of time. Most of the business taxation is levied by the state governments. The major part of reforms in the Indian taxation system have happened in the last decade or so. The overall tax system has been rationalized to ensure, that businesses can […]

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December 31, 2015

10 Tips To Write An Invoice Professionally

Invoice is a detailed list of products/services, that one provides to his customers, with an amount of money to be paid.  An invoice, whether a tax invoice or a sales invoice, is an important document for the business. Invoices are necessary to request for payment from clients. It indicates how a person deals with customers […]

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November 26, 2015

Quick Fixes To All Your Invoice Processing Woes

Most of the businesses face problems related to invoices that are long overdue. Many a times, invoices fall into unending disputes and since the resolution gets delayed, the payments too suffer. So, how do these problems arise in the first place and what is their solution.

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